Friday, September 19, 2014

"In E-Sports, video games draw real crowds and big money"

Game competitions, e-sports, have been around for decades, and gamers are able to win thousands of dollars from these video game tournaments. In July, the 'International Dota 2 Championship' was held in Seattle, Washington. The prize pool for the tournament was a shocking 11 million dollars, breaking any kind of record held by any other e-sports tournament.

That is just an example of how fast this kind of sport is growing. Game tournaments set up giant arenas. Major teams have fan base of hundreds of thousands of people. Prize money reaches millions of dollars. More than 70 million people follow and watch e-sports on TV or through the internet.

Still, the gaming industry will probably have to overcome stereotypes about games and gamers, specifically, the seriousness of the game, or that the skills of a professional gamer are a type of athletic excellence.


  1. This is looking like it is going to be a huge industry in the next few years. Corporations are already making great money by sponsoring some of these e-sport teams and internet streaming services, such as Twitch, make excellent money from all of the viewers.

  2. This industry is indeed growing very fast. They are getting supports from corporate giants like Coca-Cola, American Express, etc. Not only the professionals, a lot of home-gamers are now slowly getting attracted by this industry and pursuing it as their careers too. The electronic and social media, in the process have made a huge profit from this expansion, owing to live broadcasts and online streams. If this trend continues with the side assistance of technology, it will not be too long when gamers and corporations will be doing business in huge dollar amounts.

  3. I like the idea of gaming tournaments. Not only are sponsors gaining recognition which promotes their company, but it is creating new jobs. There needs to be employees who work for these tournament, tournament directors, and also it brings people to cities who stay in hotels and go to restaurants in that city. These events aren't as big as the Superbowl or other major sports, but the way our society is evolving it is possible that they can grow to that size. The gaming industry is growing and I wouldn't be surprised if it grows more than people believe.

  4. This industry of gaming is rapidly growing but i would not consider it a sport. It does take hand eye coordination and a certain level of focus but I would not call the gamers "athletes" The money is real and is incredible if you are competing at that level of intensity. People that attend and play in these tournaments really have been playing all their life and I feel they have been wasting their time even f they do win the 11 million.

  5. I do agree that gaming is a growing fad in present time, however I feel like it may not be advertised enough. Personally, I think that you only really hear about these gaming events is if you are apart of the gaming culture, which makes sense. I think that as time goes on, the stereotype is going to cease to exist. I feel like the people that are judging gamers are older people who don't really understand the culture or the benefits one may reap from playing games.
