Sunday, September 14, 2014

After Breach, JPMorgan Still Seeks to Determine Extent of Attack

Additional Information:

This article discusses the continuing investigation surrounding the attack on JP Morgan’s computer network. Hackers accessed the bank’s computer system in June and continued undetected until the end of July. During this time, hackers were able to view information about one million customer accounts as well as obtain a list of the software applications that the bank uses on its computers. However, it’s thought that hackers were only able to view names, addresses, and phone numbers and no financial information or Social Security numbers. Investigators believe that the attack had been planned for months and it’s possible that it involved Russian cybercriminals and support from a foreign government. While they are still working to determine the extent of the attack, they say it may be difficult to be sure that all vulnerabilities from the attack have been found. The author discusses how hackers could possibly search JP Morgan’s applications to find the ones with security weaknesses that have not yet been fixed, potentially regaining access.

It’s alarming that hackers were able to breach the security of such a large banking company. As the author of the second article discusses, successful cyber attacks against banks are uncommon since they arguably have the strongest security of any industry. With hackers becoming more skilled, it’s clear that more precautions should be taken. Hopefully JP Morgan is able to fix its security issues before any other successful attacks are made and before serious financial information is compromised.

1 comment:

  1. I think it will be interesting to see the specific impact this cyber attack has in terms of the number of people who do banking or other business with JP Morgan. I'm sure this incident has created a general cloud of distrust around JP Morgan that has made clients and customers more reluctant to engage in business with JP Morgan.
