Friday, September 19, 2014

Siemens Prepares Bid for Energy Company Dresser-Rand

According to the article “Siemens Prepares Bid for Energy Company Dresser-Rand”, Siemens, a German oil company, is preparing a multi-billion dollar offer for the U.S. oil industry equipment firm, Dresser-Rand. They are in competition with Sulzer, a Switzerland based rival, who also wants to buy Dresser-Rand. Siemens offered more than $6billion. Siemen’s Chief Executive, Joe Kaiser, wants to purchase Dresser-Rand to beef up his presence in the U.S. energy market and capitalize on the shale boom. Siemens produces equipment for companies to extract gas, which is what Dresser-Rand does as well. The acquisition of Dresser-Rand would increase profit of Siemens by infiltrating the U.S. market. They want to come to the U.S. because of Germany’s strict controls over shale-gas exploration.
            If Siemens can purchase Dresser-Rand they will have more of a presence in the U.S. market. They have been trying to come to the U.S. because of German’s restrictions and make profit from the U.S. market. This would create a greater supply of natural gas in the U.S. because of more equipment to access natural gas. Siemens also bought Rolls-Royce holdings, a British turbine maker. Siemens is engaging in a good amount of international business.
I was wondering what you guys believe the implications of Dresser-Rand being bought will be?

1 comment:

  1. Many people don't realize how much energy is actually produced in the US. So much of the media lately has been focusing solely on the importation of Middle Eastern oil that they neglect how much the US produces itself. I think that the next huge market boom will be based around new energy methods and believe that gaining a market share in the US will help towards that.
