Thursday, March 20, 2014

Unemployment rates drop in 43 US states in January

President Obama announced January that he is going to raise the federal minimum wage for workers under new federal contracts from $7.25 an hour to $10.10. And according to the article published on Washingtonpost, the Unemployment rates fell in 43 U.S. states  in January. A substantially increasing number of people started looking for job and a majority of them found job quickly. It is said that twenty-three states had more hiring in January. "Harsh winter weather weighed on hiring nationwide, with employers adding just 129,000 jobs in January." Rhode Island had the highest unemployment rate of 9.2 percent because of housing bust while North Dakota had the lowest rate of 2.6 percent due to the benefit of oil. Texas had the largest gain, adding 16,700 positions, mostly in construction, education and health, and restaurants and hotels.

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