Friday, March 21, 2014

Unemployment Rate Amongst U.S Veterans

The article discusses the unemployment rate changes amongst United States veterans since 2001.  One statistic that stands out is that about 9% of the 2.3 million American workers who served on active military duty at some point since September 2001 were unemployed in 2013.


  1. I think that this could be potentially linked to lack of education due to military service early in life. Many veterans may have spent a significant amount of their time in the military while others were receiving an education, thus giving them an advantage in the long run in terms of employment.

  2. I think this may very well be true but I don't know whether "at some point" according to you is?? Are you talking about since 2003, 2004, 200 when they last had a job? What is the time frame since the veterans last had jobs? I will also have to agree with Lucas that many veteran have a hard time finding jobs because of lack of education.

  3. Another factor contributing to this slightly higher than average statistic could be the fact that some people in the military have already had a career there and now are older and just looking for a part time job and have not been looking for very long or very actively.
