Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hundreds of students occupy Taiwan's Legislature to protest China pact

In order to ease trade and investment, a trade pact was signed between China and Taiwan in Shanghai one year ago.  Officials have gathered for talks in Taiwan's Legislature to try and push the pact into action.  However many Taiwanese, most of whom are university students, gathered outside of the Legislature barricading the entrances.  Many Taiwanese feel that this pact will be extremely detrimental to the small island's economy.  Students even sang Bob Dylan songs because they felt that the situation is reminiscent of "the protest spirit of the 1960s."
It is agreeable that Taiwan should try to become more global and open up to the rest of the world. On the other hand, its economy is made up of many SMEs and small family businesses. If the pact were to be permanently established, this could and probably will benefit only large companies and leave the others grappling for their jobs.


  1. The world is changing at fast pace and whether Taiwanese like or not a change is coming. Taiwanese need to come to an understanding that by easing the trade and investment with China, they too will benefit from it. The country standard of living will increase as a result of more investment within the Island and the Island will become more connected and unify with the rest of the world.

  2. I agree with you. However, what do you believe the outcome of the small family owned businesses will be? You have to consider that the majority of Taiwan's population is involved in these kinds of operations. How would their economy be able to remain firm with such strong investments about to pour in?
