Sunday, March 16, 2014

China Economy Fears Continue to Drive Markets

Concerns with both the Chinese economy and the Ukrainian Crimea problem are pushing down stock market prices around the world. Sometime today, the preliminary results about the vote to remove Crimea from Ukraine which could shake up the Eastern European economy very much. The article talks of how economic analysts will likely be very concerned with the outcome of the vote in Ukraine. Because of these insecurities in China, because of bad economic news, and in Ukraine which might lose part of its land, and in Russia, who may face sanctions for it's involvement in the Ukraine scandal currencies and trading around the world are down.

This week was a bad week for the worlds economies. What happens next will be interesting.


  1. It seems that the Ukraine issue is bringing Russia and China much closer together, but interesting article. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Crimea is very crucial in the sustainability of Eastern Europe being that the it contains a lot of natural gas refineries and provides a lot of energy sources to a lot of neighboring countries. It is now part of Russia and I believe that the countries in Eastern Europe will face an increase in oil prices which will result in an increase in general price levels which will impact Eastern European economies greatly.
