Sunday, March 16, 2014

Crimea Votes to Secede From Ukraine as Russian Troops Keep Watch

Just today, as seen by the title of the article, Crimea has voted to secede from Ukraine at this time while Russia occupies there territory. This is against the advice of western powers and action will likely occur soon in response to this choice. What should the United States do about this situation? There are many options all with their own pros and cons, but it is hard to say what is right at this time as we do not want to aggravate tensions any more.


  1. Robby this is an interesting situation. I think the United States should encourage Crimea to rejoin the Ukraine. Also, the US should provide military support for Ukraine and work with the United Nations to mitigate the situation.

  2. The US and Europe have threatened Russia with travel bans and the possible freezing of russian assets. Whether or not the US actually falls through with it is the question. I doubt the US would provide military support just due to the fact that the American population doesn't want another war.

  3. I believe that Crimea is very crucial to Easter European nations, Crimea contains many natural oil refineries which are critical in the burgeoning of the Ukraine economy, resulting in a decrease in economic growth. With Crimea seceding to Russia, this will cause the general price levels of Ukraine to increase and may face high inflation in future years (will increase cost of living and lower living standards).

  4. I think it would be best to wait the situation out. The US tends to try and be the "babysitter," if you will, of countries that frequently have trouble. If we are to wait the situation out and see if the two countries can resolve it in a peaceful manner, it would avoid potential conflict.
