Friday, March 8, 2013

The Billionaire's Race

As you probably already know, Mexico's Carlos Slim is the wealthiest person on the plant; you're probably a bit more familiar with Bill Gates, who currently sits in second place. This article discusses how the combination of a loss in net worth of Mexico's phone monopoly, as well as a few other expansionary investments that haven't started yielding paying off, have slowed Slim's net worth growth. On the other hand, Bill Gates net worth growth grew 6% in the past 6 months due to Microsoft's stock rise. So it seems that Gates will give Slim a run for the money (no pun intended) for the number one spot if his net worth continues to grow at a faster rate than Slim's falls.


  1. I agree that Bill Gates could give Carlos Slim a run for his money. With more and more new technology being produced at affordable prices, Gates might have an edge. The economy is slowly getting better so more people are going to buy more goods.

  2. I recently read two different articles about billionaires. People are becoming billionaires are younger ages now. For instance, there are approximately twenty-nine billionaires under the age of forty. With the latest advancements in technology it will be interesting to see how this will affect Slim's and Gates' income. I feel that regardless of the ranks these two industries are only going to grow more in the future.

  3. One thing I have always been wondering is that Bill Gates gives a lot of his money to charity and yet he is still second richest person. How is it possible?
