Thursday, March 7, 2013

Greece; A Slippery Slope

Greece cannot seem to fight its way out of the pit of depression. In an article posted to the Washington Post, contributed by the Associated Press, states that Greek unemployment saw a slight relief. The figures fell from historic highs of 27% in November of 2012, to 26.6% in December 2012. While many hoped this was a sign of good things to come, the economy is predicted to dip again. Experts say that unemployment could go as high as 30% in the coming months. In today's globalized world, this is not only a Greek problem, but troubling for entire economy of the European Union and transversely, the entire world. In the end, foreign aid can only accomplish so much. It will be up to the Greek government to solve the problem, until then, the European Union is forced to cross its fingers.

1 comment:

  1. The article also mentions that only 3.7 million people work out of a population of nearly 11 million. I wonder what the families with stable incomes plan to do. Are many families leaving the country and seeking citizenship elsewhere? Unemployment is also way down as Greece competes with Spain for the worst youth unemployment in the EU. The youth has an unemployment rate of nearly 63%. The last thing this country needs is masses of angry unemployed youths roaming the streets.
