Wednesday, March 6, 2013

China pledges to tackle pollution crisis

This article talks briefly about the recent national congress in China, in which the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao pledged to start taking effective measures against the pollution engulfing China. China has been in a period of rapid growth and industrialization, but with rapid growth comes the problem of pollution. IT was interesting to learn that China burns 3.8 billion tons of coal per year or nearly as much as the rest of the world combined. And the pollution has only been increasing while the pollution and dust have been known to settle as far as California. Some measures that they may implement to reduce pollution are alternative energy sources and carbon taxes. The only question now is if the talk at the congress will be translated into action.

1 comment:

  1. It seems China's intense industrialized growth is causing the largest/most expensive externality, pollution, not only on in China, but the entire planet as well. I think this matter is serious enough that it is not only China's problem but one that other nations must intervene in as well (maybe starting in China first). There have been past "protocol" gatherings, but none have come to fruition. Something must change.
