Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Billionaires Dumping Stocks

Very well respected investors, not to mention billionaires, have been selling off large percentages of their stock holdings despite all of the recent news of the DOW closing at record highs. Warren Buffett, John Paulson, and George Soros have been dumping most of their stock in companies that rely on consumer spending patterns. As we all know, 70% of the U.S. economy depends on consumption. If these billionaires are losing faith in our consumer spending habits and that they will fall dramatically, our economy is going to be in big trouble. Many people think the economy is just getting back to normal with real estate values actually growing in some regions, unemployment seems to have stabilized, etc. However, new research shows that the recklessness of the FED regarding their strategies for excessive money printing will eventually reach the stock market, and when it does, inflation will sore to heights most people living today have never seen. Treasury bonds will lose all value, interest rates will increase dramatically, and real estate values will collapse. In response, the U.S. stock market will completely breakdown. Although this is a worst-case scenario, it should not be ignored. In return, U.S. companies will start to spend more money on borrowing than on expansion, which means more layoffs and less profit. No one wants to hold stock in a company like that, which is why respected investors are dumping stock.

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