Saturday, March 9, 2013

China’s cyber-hacking is getting ugly

      Chinese hackers have been suspected by foreign companies and governments for besieging their networks and have links to country's armed forces. A report by an American security, Mandiant, proves this fact with evidences after six years of investigation. Mandiant claims that hackers have stolen technology blueprints, negotiating strategies and manufacturing processes from many American companies in a score of industries.
        American is trying to promote the idea that everyone would gain from "cyberarms control" to set the rules of engagement. One lesson is that all companies need urgently to upgrade their defenses. I think American government needs to make sure Chinese government understand their losses because of cyber crimes. There are also lessons for China's leaders, too. If the new leader, Xi Jinping, does not acknowledge the seriousness of cybercrime, China will be taken less seriously and Chinese companies will continue to be treated with suspicion when they do business abroad. In my opinion, Chinese government needs to make more severe punishments for cyber crimes. Chinese people in general need to show more respect to the rule of law.

1 comment:

  1. This article makes the claim we are not innocent in the world of cyber-hacking, which is putting it lightly. The United States government definitely sponsors cyber hacking. This seems like just another example of the US basically demonizing the Chinese, like the commercials that politicians sponsor during election time that claim China is going to own us because of our debt, which Professor Skosples has shown is far from the truth. These claims have to be taken with a grain of salt because the US constantly attempts to demonize China in any way we can, even though we have been exploiting them for years by paying them close to nothing and making them work long hours to make cheap products for us to enjoy and sell for immense profits.
