Sunday, November 20, 2011


The article talks about the trans-pacific trade pact between 12 economies of the world in the Asia-Pacific region. The pact is important and worth noticing considering the fact that it accounts for more than 40% of the world's GDP. Some people are critical of the fact that this treaty would make some leaders only concentrate on trading in this region, thus affecting world trade. However, I strongly believe (and the article talks about it) that this would only enhance global trade and not hurt anyone. The most interesting part of the article is that it talks about how Japan has conveyed an interested to join this partnership and how this could mean a revolution in trade across the world considering Japan's tariffs of over 800% ! I believe that trade can only benefit everyone in the long run and look forward to learning more about this agreement in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I am for this treaty, I think in the long run as you say it would benefit all. This treaty would not only increase trade but relations between many countries. The inclusion of Japan would be great, as the article states, leading to a more liberalized Asia-Pacific region.
