Sunday, November 20, 2011

Imperial Overstretch: Is A Bloated Defense Budget Weakening the U.S.?

This is a great article about how we can look at history to prevent disasters in the future. Specifically, this article compares the United States to the former Soviet Union and Britain in that we are neglecting our own economy while we are engaging in, what some call, "Imperial Overstretch". Defense over spending has resulted in a a "civilian/social service" deficit. This includes an under investment in our country's infrastructure, health care, and education, resulting in lower GDP growth. The author also criticizes the war in Afghanistan as a lost cause and reason for slow growth in recent years. This is the time in our country's history to correct what the world's history has shown us to be a fatal flaw in some of the greatest powers in history as we know it.

1 comment:

  1. If you recall, however, Europe really fell off the face of the earth after World War II, when their "military prowess" could not hold off the Germans.
    The Soviet Union fell due to their inability to match the "defense spending" capabilities of the U.S.
    It is easy to attack defense spending and inefficiency in any area must be cut. However, it is more important to look at every area of government spending instead of focusing on one area of spending.
