Sunday, November 20, 2011

Debt Committee: Decision Time

The latest news on the Congressional deficit supercommittee is looking bleak. No substantial compromise has been reached thus far, and the timeline is running out. In this whole process, I, along with I would assume many Americans, have been quite confused about the whole thing. What is it that the supercommittee is trying to accomplish, what will happen if they reach it, and what will happen if they don't? Every politician and economist is giving different answers, and it's difficult to know what exactly will happen and how it will impact us. This article gives some good analysis of what's to come from the supercommittee, with a leaning towards the scenario where no deal is reached on time.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a tough issue to reach an agreement from both sides of the aisle. A full agreement sure seems like it is not going to happen, but a partial one could be more attainable if politicians can put their personal agendas aside, and do what's best for America's people.
