Saturday, November 26, 2011

The harsh reality

This is a great article about the mixture of optimism and harsh realities facing the american Economy currently. There are a lot of economic indicators saying things are looking good like the unemployment insurance etc. However somethings like orders etc for businesses do not look that great


  1. Some of the leading indicators point towards a favorable future while the rest are pessimistic.Only time can tell what course the economy will take in the future.

  2. Two key points this article brings up caught my attention. The good news: consumer confidence is perking in recent months. The bad: the deep euro-zone recession has bogged down US exports because 20% of exports go to Europe. I hope Obama's talks with APEC countries will help make up for the dent the euro-zone crisis has put in US exports.

  3. The question for policy makers are which indicators should they follow...
    do they use expansionary policies or start preparing for inflation
