Saturday, November 26, 2011

For Black Friday First-Timers, Not a Night of Conversion

Black Friday starts early this year many stores tend to open earlier as early as 9pm. With this economic situation more people tend to participate in Black Friday shopping than last year. Some people are more aggressive as well. There was a women in California pepper sprayed a fellow Wal-Mart shopper in order to get the Xbox she wanted. There was an estimated that they are 9000 shoppers visiting Macy this year compared to 7000 last year. Some people never participated in Black Friday sales before but this year they have too. For example a couple bought several box of diapers at Toy R US during the sales because they had twins with one income. I hope Black Friday sales can significantly increase the consumption rate. Then again some people came out for Black Friday but they didn't buy anything since the thing they wanted was out. This was a bad experience for some of them and they vowed not to participate again.


  1. I read an article and the tallies for black friday are bigger than they were last year. Which is nice since and shows that people are spending more than last year. This means that the expectations are maybe close to being right for once. I hope that there was a great turn out for black friday.

  2. That might not necessarily be true.
    It may also indicate that people did not spend before Black Friday and waited/delayed their spending until prices got low during Black Friday.
    So net spending might have decreased from last year.
    It's great that we have Black Friday, but I doubt an increase of spending in that day indicates much of a change in spending overall in the economy.
    If anything, I think it may indicate that consumers have become more frugal, as more were willing to sacrifice their mandatory post-turkey hibernation to get lower prices.

  3. I think it is true that most black Friday shoppers are at their 1st time doing it, or they are the kind of super shopper with huge fighting power and patience.
    It is nice that we got cyber Monday too. Many brands and websites give the same discount online as in store, and there are even some online only sales. Consumers now have options of going to a crowded mall or just staying at home.
