Saturday, December 11, 2010

Top 10 States People are Fleeing

The top 10 states people are fleeing are below and the reasons for this occurring are economic issues: depressed job market, high cost of living, states' tax structures, loss of manufacturing jobs, BP oil spill....and on and on.

1. New York
2. Illinois
3. Ohio
4. Nebraska
5. Kansas
Louisiana and Mississippi are also on the list.


  1. It seems like the states that are in trouble are the ones around the Midwest. This could have to do with manufacturing, as midwestern states are known for that. Also, New York and Illinois are home to two of the biggest cities in the world. Maybe the job market is tight in Chicago and New York City.

  2. New York, Illinois, and Ohio have large service sectors in New York City, Chicago, and Columbus. Some of the job losses may be due to the anti-incumbent wave of elections this past November. In Columbus, much of the governmental jobs will be privatized under Kasich's policy. So, the job squeeze could be related to the new reform policies enacted by these newly elected governors.

  3. Ohio's losses are projected to slow but are large enough to make us third on the list. Nebraska and Kansas are behind Ohio in numbers lost but not in percentage of citizens lost.
