Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cash Flow to Terrorists Evades U.S. Efforts

WASHINGTON — Nine years after the United States vowed to shut down the money pipeline that finances terrorism, senior Obama administration officials say they believe that many millions of dollars are flowing largely unimpeded to extremist groups worldwide, and they have grown frustrated by frequent resistance from allies in the Middle East, according to secret diplomatic dispatches.

The government cables, sent by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and senior State Department officials, catalog a list of methods that American officials suspect terrorist financiers are using, including a brazen bank robbery in Yemen last year, kidnappings for ransom, the harvesting of drug proceeds in Afghanistan and fund-raising at religious pilgrimages to Mecca, where millions of riyals or other forms of currency change hands.

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely something that is very difficult to shut down - and an argument for why we should be viewing terrorism as a police issue rather than a military issue. Bank robberies, kidnappings, etc, are all crimes generally handled by police. By viewing terrorism as a military issue the US has weakened its ability to actually counter their efforts.
