Sunday, December 5, 2010

Buy? Sell? Hold? Investing Moves to Make Now

It is becoming more and more difficult for investors to understand the trends of the current markets. On one side there are positive data to invest: an improving U.S. economy, and a surprising confidence in consumer spending. On the other side we have the Irish banking problem, an unemployment rate of 9.8%, and the Korean military exercises. The stocks that will have the biggest increase will be the small-cap stocks and the technology ones. Shockingly this article explains the reasons why the emerging market and gold will not have a good performance in the months to come.


  1. It seems to me that regardless it is a decent time to invest for anyone with extra disposable income because eventually in the long-run the economy will recover. I suppose that might be taken as blind guessing however, the economy has been in recession previously and has always eventually recovered.

  2. The article suggests China may pose a threat to the US economy and markets as their efforts to keep a lid on prices may slow growth in the US. This is very interesting as the price of stocks for company's (outside of China) dealing in rare-earth minerals rose dramatically when China enforced a trade embargo on importing to Japan. However, China has recently eased restrictions again which dropped prices. This goes to show how much influence an emerging market like China (and India is not far behind) can have on the US economy and growth.
