Saturday, December 11, 2010

No Jobs? Young Graduates Make Their Own

The traditional path of “Go to college, get good grades and then get a job,” is no longer guaranteed to work, given the current economic crisis. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, only 24.4% of the 2010 batch of college graduates who applied for a job was able to get one. A promising solution to this problem is entrepreneurship.
The article features a few success stories about how college graduates started out their business ventures. It also includes a few tips and resources for those who are seriously thinking of boosting the economy by becoming entrepreneurs.


  1. Very interesting article and for the past couple years, I feel like there has been many of these success stories of young people starting a business and making great profit out of it, like facebook. But taking this path requires knowledge in entrepreneurship and the business you want to definitely have to be a risk-loving person to do this too.

  2. As it has been said, the journey of trying to get started as an entrepreneur is one that is filled with much risk. On top of all the student loans, the guy in the article had to take out more loans to start his own company without even knowing what he was going to do with his loan. Not everyone can take out a loan and create a successful business, so it's not for everyone. I feel starting a successful business is not something that any person who attempts it can do can end up with a happy ending. As a student who is gradutating in three days, I know I will be testing out the job market before I take out any other kind of loan to do something as risky as starting a business in this current state of the economy.
