Sunday, December 5, 2010

In '60 Minutes' Interview, Bernanke Favors Revised Tax Code

An interview conducted on 60 Minutes, the Fed's Chairman spoke on the necessity of the current tax code revisions being discussed. By tightening personal and corporate tax codes it could increase incentives for investment in the economy. Bernanke spoke on several other issues in the same issue. An important point Bernanke made was that the Fed is not actively printing money, but holding the money supply constant. This was a response to individuals that had recently criticized the Fed.


  1. I think it is very important that the Fed's Chairman makes public appearances to explain current policies. The Fed plays a very important role in the economy and in times like we are in today there role is crucial in stabilization of the economy. Bernanke was able to address many topics of the Fed's role in the current economy, explaining why they where so important. I think the more American's know about the economy the more informed people can be in there decision making and lead to a stronger United States.

  2. I agree it is important for Bernanke to educate the American people on the FED's actions. It is especially important that he explained the money supply is not being increased through an influx of printed cash. This should help stem the fears some people are developing that we should be expecting heavy inflation.
