Monday, November 8, 2010

A Recovery Did Begin

Non-Farm employment moved from the negatives into the positives this past September. In the second half of 2009, the monthly job losses were finally slowing down and in the first months in 2010, job gains also accelerated. The European debt crisis, the slowing of the federal stimulus, the pickup in local government cuts got in the way of all the acceleration occurring.

The early months in 2010 look like a recovery occurred, yet the second half looks like there was no improvement.


  1. Some of the second half slowdown, in the US economy, has to be contributed to the decline in the US exchange rate. Money has become cheap. It will be interesting to see what is said at the Economic Outlook Conference about the current state of the economy and if a recovery is expected.

  2. And the government just poured in 600 billion dollars, so I guess the economy will boost up a little when the money really sinks in.
