Sunday, November 7, 2010

Doctors to Congress: Don't cut our pay!

The thought of doctors not accepting Medicare patients is a frightening one for 43 MILLION individuals. Yet, that could be the new reality if a new bill is passed that would cut Medicare reimbursements by 23%. The new Republican regime will have to make a lot of decisions rather quickly. They have the Bush tax cuts to deal with, issues concerning the extent of unemployment insurance, and this on top of all that. We will see if they are up to the challenge.


  1. Hopefully this attempt to change the reimbursement rates will be blocked like it has been multiple times in the past. With the new Congress I am sure there will be some creative proposals made on how to reduce our deficit but if the government is looking to make cuts in the budget it should not be on domestic programs rather on defense spending. Furthermore during rough economic times such as these, it seems like a slap in the face to both doctors and those on Medicare to reinforce their hardships by making health care less attainable.

  2. I think cutting Medicare reimbursements is not an area in which spending needs to be cut. So many people rely on Medicare and with the economy being in the situation it is in right now, it is just going to hurt the people more which could possibly even force them to search for jobs, causing the unemployment rate to increase even more.
