Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Google to Give Staff 10% Raise

In an effort to keep employee morale high, Google has announced a 10% hike in all employee's salaries and wages effective January. The decision has been made after Google made profits in the third quarter. Many of their employees are being poached by competitors such as Facebook Inc. and other Silicon Valley companies which makes the company have to do this.
According to a survey conducted, salaries made more of a difference to employees rather than other kinds of benefits which is why the raise is on salaries. Further, "He added the company was moving a portion of employees' bonuses into their base salaries, so they would receive some of it in every paycheck".
"The company also began testing a mathematical formula to try to predict which employees are most likely to leave, based on factors like employee reviews".
This is not the first time that the company has had to do this. In the past they have repriced millions of employees stock options as the value had been wiped out.

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