Thursday, November 11, 2010

Random Economics

I came across this article and thought it was very interesting in many aspects of economics that we wouldn't even think of. It shows the development index of 2010 and which countries are doing the most to help out the poor countries, the idea of a market in biological terms, new york calls, marijuana and the market, a market in turning red lights into green lights, and the global backlash against the Federal Reserve's recent monetary stimulus announcement.

In this link it talks about the G-20 summit that begins Wednesday night in Seoul is shaping up as a showdown between exporting powers, such as Germany and China, and nations such as the U.S. that are struggling to emerge from recession and high unemployment. Major countries that rely on exports from the U.S., like Germany are struggling to agree with U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and his trade regime.

Is the U.S. living up to its responsibility as a main issuer of a global reserve currency? Is the decision to use expansionary monetary policy the right one?

1 comment:

  1. I think with the economic turmoil that we are in today and the polices that we are pressuring to get out of the downturn need to viewed on a whole. We need to be ready for conflict at the world's leading economy at these conferences we will always face opposition and we need to be able to justify our actions and the effects they might have on the international community.
