Sunday, January 24, 2010

Union Membership Drops 10%

This article talks about the direct effect the economy has had on union workers. With this struggling economy, union workers are discouraged and leaving the unions they supported for pervious years. The drop in union support can be attributed to the credit crisis, and the downturn of industrial work. The construction and manufacturing industry has seen the worst of the membership drops, and they don't expect to get those members back any time soon. Gary Chaison, is a professor of Industrial Relations and he says that the problems unions is that during tough times they lose members, and when times are better they don't get those members back. The unions are not worrying about their losses, and are no focusing their efforts on job creation which they hope will be union jobs.


  1. I liked this article, as I don't really quite understand unions and the workings of them, and this helped.

    It was also interesting to read that when times are bad, unions lose their members but when times get better they unfortunately don't recoup those members. It would be interesting to see why that is.

  2. This is an interesting article on how unions and the members function. I found it interesting to know that unions don't get their members back once lost.
