Thursday, January 28, 2010

String of Disappointments, Including Apple, Lower Shares

This article summarizes the falling of shares, stating that the DOW fell 150 points yesterday.

I find this interesting, especially with the release of the new iPad on Wednesday.

“People are expecting a lot out of Apple, and they can’t disappoint,” said M. Jake Dollarhide, chief executive of Longbow Asset Management in Tulsa, Okla. “They can’t afford to get a subdued reaction to their product.”

1 comment:

  1. The economic crisis has caused many companies stocks to drop recently however I do not think that the recent release of the iPad will increase sales. Based on recent reviews, the iPad has not lived up to the hype it has generated and this may further contribute to the drop in Apple stock prices. Considering the enormous success of the iPhone, iPod and Mac laptops, it is unreasonable to expect Apple to continue to maintain high share prices and I do not believe that it would have lasted throughout the recession. I do not think that the drop in stock prices indicates struggles at Apple.
