Sunday, January 24, 2010

Haitians Regain Access to Cash

Just yesterday (Saturday) Haitians are now allowed access to their cash. Though they are only allowed to take out a little at a time, this will greatly help them. Many Haitians have families in other countries who have wired them cash to help them, but they haven't been able to take it out because there were no running banks. The countries people have banned together: "You survive together or perish together. You cannot survive alone."


  1. It is good to see that Haitians will have access to their accounts once again. However, with the amount of destruction caused by the earthquake will there be any functioning services e.g. stores, pharmacies, etc, that will allow Haitians to spend their money? Hopefully with the mass amount of funds coming into Haiti from organizations and nations coupled with accessible funds will enable Haiti to start rebuilding.

  2. I agree with Taleb. It is great that the hatians will be able to have some cash to allow them to purchase some necessities, but the problem with all these people getting money is there probably will not be many places they can use their money. As it states in the article many of the stores were either destroyed or looted, not to mention there is no power to assist with any transactions that may take place. So I guess it is a great start that these people are beginning to have access to some cash, but until they have sufficent options to buy the goods they need they still need plenty of aid.

  3. I agree with the previous comments about how the Haitians finally have access. But if they lost most of their belongings, it will be so difficult for bank employees to verify identification. I think that the identity fraud crime rate will increase dramatically. Officials will have to find a way around it.
