Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not going broke due to going to college

President Obama acknowledged in his State of the Union speech that no American should go broke due to going to college to further their education. I totally agree with his thought and think that his new, upcoming policies are great and hopefully will help out many college graduates. President Obama wants for recent college graduates to limit their loans to 10% of their discretionary income. Also their debt will be forgiven after twenty years and ten years for anyone who is working in public service. This is a great way for people to attend college even though they will have to pay back student loans and also if they work in public service they have ten years to pay it back or its forgiven (obviously with other details coming into account). Its a great opportunity for everyone.


  1. I totally agree with you. Helping more people go to college and receive a higher education can decrease the huge differences in wage levels,therefore decrease the gap between the rich and the poor in the society.

  2. I am applauding Obama's quote, "no one should go broke because they chose to go to college". I am very excited to hear that the government will be making a plan to help out college graduates. I know plenty of people who have opted not to go to college because of the price. This will save these people.

    Obama also talked about how colleges and universities should start to cut their own prices as well. This definitely needs to happen. What happens to the high school senior who gets accepted to an amazing private school but can only afford state? Does anyone ever think about the drop outs at OWU because of this price? Even in this economic downturn our school still raises tuition.
