Monday, February 22, 2016

Middle-aged white death trends update: It’s all about women in the south

This article discusses casual inference in regards to death the death toll rates in various sections of the United States. The data, although aesthetically pleasing to read with the assistance of clearly defined chart titles and axis, is secondary to what I had thought was the most effective assertion he first raph delineates raw dearth rates for women between the ages of 45-50. This graph was published in the New York Times and along with arbitrary analysis form "highly touted and confident economists". I think the more important lesson that people could potentially learn would be to more critically analyze the data, author and the specific machinations of developing and publishing potentially misleading data for media outlets such as the NYT. The several graphs towards the bottom of the website illustrate what happens when certain variables are controlled for, with final lamentations from the author about people who may unintentionally disseminate inaccurate research.

1 comment:

  1. Its very interesting to see the misleading information provided when it comes to death rates in different facets of economic and regional differences.
