Thursday, February 25, 2016

Increasing concerns with the U.S. Corporate Tax rate

The article attached written by Renae Merle discusses the tax savings that Pfizer is able to gain by its plan to merge with Allergan which is based in Ireland. This deal was originally announced last year in which it was estimated that it would provide savings of approximately $2 billion over three years. However, a recent report was released by the “Americans for Tax Fairness”, stating that they will actually save approximately $35 billion by moving away from the United State’s corporate tax policy, because of the tax savings seen from the profits earned internationally. This is the largest inversion seen in the United States’ history.

Pfizer is just one of many U.S. companies that have decided to make move from the U.S. for the tax savings. As discussed in the article, with such a big company like Pfizer making this move it is starting to be an increasing concern for U.S. lawmakers. On one side, while the U.S. government wants to collect as much taxes revenues as they can, it is deterring companies to the point that they are losing the tax revenues altogether. The current corporate tax rate of 35% in the U.S. should be reviewed in the very near future to be lowered to make it more comparable to the tax rates seen in the countries that these firms are moving their headquarters to. However, what worries me is that because there is so much disagreement presently in congress between democrats and republicans that this issue will not be resolved quickly with so many differing opinions regarding this matter. While I think that the tax rate will eventually be changed, this disagreement between lawmakers will delay any formal action from being taken, and while this happens there will just be a continuing amount of U.S. based companies that will take the move like Pfizer for tax savings.

What is your opinion, should the corporate tax rate of 35% be reduced?


  1. I think that it is very possible the corporate tax rate is too high because so many U.S. companies use things like Swiss banks in order to avoid our relatively high tax rate. I think it is very possible that if we reduced the rates that it is possible we would see a high corporate tax revenue because U.S. companies will have more incentive to stay in the U.S. However, if we make it too low it could create a deficit, so it is important we find a healthy medium between too high and too low.

  2. I think that it is very possible the corporate tax rate is too high because so many U.S. companies use things like Swiss banks in order to avoid our relatively high tax rate. I think it is very possible that if we reduced the rates that it is possible we would see a high corporate tax revenue because U.S. companies will have more incentive to stay in the U.S. However, if we make it too low it could create a deficit, so it is important we find a healthy medium between too high and too low.
