Sunday, September 7, 2014

Jobs: Signs of Strength, Pockets of Pain

"Jobs: Signs of Strength, Pockets of Pain"
The newest BLS statistics released show that August produced only 142,000 jobs. This article attempts to bring light to other factors of the economy that are often overshadowed by the numbers of the unemployment rate and the number of jobs added. The article concludes that even though these two numbers are important, they sometimes become people's main way of gauging the success of the economy.
The article speaks of the number of people who have been unemployed in the long-run, and shows the number has been steadily dropping since the end of last year. Also, the number of part-time workers searching for full time positions is down almost a million since last year. It also gives some examples of hardships in the economy that are also often overlooked by the average Joe. It speaks of the high rate of unemployment for teenagers and African Americans, problems that also need addressed.
I think the article does a good job of showing how many factors there truly are when analyzing the economy. Most people only hear about the unemployment rate or the number of jobs added, but fail to take the initiative to look deeper. Even when looking at statistics provided in this article you must dive deeper if you truly want an understanding of what you are seeing. The article speaks of the lowering numbers of long-term unemployment and underemployment, but fails to mention the labor force participation rate, a huge factor when analyzing these numbers. If people have simply stopped looking for work, they will no longer be counted as unemployed, lowering the numbers.

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