Thursday, September 11, 2014

Black-Owned Businesses Are Quietly Powering Detroit's Resurgence, But No One's Talking About It

This article is written about a year after the city of Detroit declared bankruptcy. This article focuses on how the city is recovering now mostly due to the Black business owners of the city, but how no other media news source will acknowledge this. I find this article interesting because it talks about how there are over 32, 000 black owned businesses that have been open for decades in the city and have been through bad times before. Also after the introduction 13 Black owned Detroit businesses are profiled.


  1. The title of the article is spot-on: nobody is talking about black businesses’ role in Detroit’s recovery and therefore very few people know about it. This was the first that I had read on Detroit’s resurgence and the black community, and when I did a search of related articles, I was only able to find one or two. I am a big believer in giving credit where credit is due. More people need to know just how influential black businesses have been in Detroit’s renewal. What I enjoyed most about the article was the profiles on black businesses and their owners. I feel that this will result in continued and increased support for these businesses, thereby helping Detroit’s economy.

  2. This article was upsetting but does have one bright spot. It appears the people who are actually from Detroit and the surrounding area are fully aware that many black owners deserve much of the credit for reviving the city. The article states that “locals” have become frustrated and that both journalists and readers supported the black owners when criticizing the Times. I believe there will be a growing number of articles similar to this one and the black owners will eventually receive more national attention.
