Saturday, February 8, 2014

The effect of today’s technology on tomorrow’s jobs will be immense—and no country is ready for it

 Innovation has always improved our society and raised our productivity.Also, innovation has created new jobs and deprived some jobs.In this ariticle, one recent by academic at Oxford university suggests that 47% of today's jobs could be automated in the next two decades. It is not the distant future. The aggregate of job is certainly decreasing right now. I think that it is possible that all of jobs are done by a machine. We may not have to work in th fututre,but is that fortune for human beings?
  Most interesting opinion in the article is that the benefit of innovation is undistributed. This means as increse in the gap between rich and poor. The world drew near to the end  of praising indiscriminately innovation. A goverment has to think about how to deal with innovation, because most companies want to raise productivity and so use technology,meaning they cannot regulate the innovation by themselves.


  1. I think that we should look at these innovations with optimism. As we continue to find different ways to utilize new technology, we will find new ways to make money and grow in jobs, just like we have in the past. As humans, the only constant is change and we need to embrace it.

  2. This is a scary thought. When almost half the work force could be put out of work in favor of technologies that are more efficient the government should step in and do something. Having that many jobs lost will widen the income gap, and probably hurt the American economy from a lack of jobs. While the goal of a company is to be more efficient and create the largest amount of profit for their shareholders, this change would be great... for them but not for the rest of the economy.

  3. I agree with Preston, it is a pretty intimidating statistic that our world will evolve so rapidly. Half of the jobs that we have right now will be satisfied through technology. However we can't run from this. With the exponential increase in technology, we are about to live through another period of enlightenment. The quality of life for humans is going to be significantly better than what it is today. As humans, we should all embrace progress and find new ways to be productive.
