Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bubble cars to provide jolt in Paris

I thought this was an interesting idea that could very well go global. Billionaire, Vincent Bollore, is seeking to better the traffic situation in France with his idea of the bubble-shaped cars. The cars electric powered and the concept is not to purchase these vehicles, rather they are used as rentals and stored at various locations. This idea encourages an economic alternative to driving and fuel emissions and they hope that in the seventh year, the business will begin to make a profit. People will be encouraged to start renting cars rather than purchasing them which, if successful, can make for a very large and prosperous business. The battery operated cars can travel up to 250 kilometers which is relatively equal to four hours as well as the use of a battery that is less likely to overheat than most other car batteries.
I believe other counties should look into this concept both for environmental benefits as well as its target to help those who cannot afford vehicles. For those struggling families out there, the system would make traveling much easier and less expensive when money is already tight. Many economies throughout the world and its citizens could greatly benefit from this idea and provide support for many families in need.


  1. This is a really new idea but i really want to see how people response to this service since it can be a hassle having to rent a car where ever you, taking extra care of it since its a rental car, etc. But if this service is a hit it can really help the environment.

  2. It is good to see the maturely developed electrically powered cars. The low prices of fuel and tiny size would obviously fullfill the needs of people living in a city, but I stil wondering this new type of cars would replace the traditional type in a short period.
    Changing the fuel resourse of car means changing the whole desigh and technology base of the automobile producing process. The foundation of the current automobile industries would be hard to change. It will be a new revolution in the future when the fuel of automobiles got totally replaced.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. France has always been a poineer of these kind of ideas. I remember reading about a similar renting system - for cycles - in Paris a little while ago. I agree that this is a great chance for economies to go environment friendly, but the initial investment would be very high and the returns low. This makes it not a viable option for low income economies. I would be interesting to study how a low-income economy could incur these costs, if at all in our new topic - growth.
