Sunday, September 25, 2011

As World Leaders Meet, Global Unemployment Is Topic No. 1

As World Leaders Meet, Global Unemployment Is Topic No. 1
By Jack Ewing
Published: September 21, 2011

It is talked in this news that, at the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, the unemployment was the prominent on the agenda.
Considering the Arab Spring, the London riots and the Greek debt crises, it is obviouls that all of them happened in environments of rampant unemployment.From this point, it is not hard to find that political and economic crisis are to some extent due to the same issue-unemployment.
It is told by the author that, the ultimate measure of economic success is whether a society can provide jobs for its citizens. "A society that fails will see other problems multiply in the form of political unrest, sinking tax revenue and soaring debt."
As explained in the article What government need to pay attention now, are creating new jobs from small and medium-size enterprises and employment, and loosening job protections then put more pressure on umployed people.

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