Thursday, September 29, 2011

Obama administration widens challenges to state immigration laws

It is interesting to see that the federal government is suing the state government over many of the immigration laws.
It is also at the same time frustrating to see such an irresponsible debate between each side of the political spectrum.
The Republicans seem to be on the side that more immigrants mean less jobs for citizens so they need to go while the Democrats seem to support the influx of immigrants no matter what.
Why not actually study and educate people about the benefit or the harmful effects of illegal immigrants? All we hear about are how they take away jobs and use up the federal budget.
We rarely see any politicians coming up with an actual plan that will increase the benefits of illegal immigrants and decrease the harms of illegal immigration.
Extremists and many neo-conservatives must learn to give up their hope that the U.S. is suddenly going to kick out all illegal immigrants out of the country and put a wall in its borders. That will simply not happen, at least based on the history of the U.S. and what it stands for. On the other hand, the U.S. should look to make immigration more efficient and legal, so that the U.S. will be able to benefit from not only the millions of Latinos, but other immigrants that come to the U.S. to look for a better opportunity.
The know-nothing party of old failed to keep out immigrants and looking back, the influx of cheap labor greatly benefited the U.S. then. I just hope that politicians stop seeing the world as an everyday American sees it. If we were to take out emotion and do what's sensible, I believe the U.S. would take a step in the right direction regarding immigration.


  1. I agree, politicians should be less like the everyday man when talking about the "problem" of immigration. Immigrants though some may argue, harm the economy also help it substantially. The government needs to find a way to better make use of and control the flow of immigrants into the economy. And as you have said, in reality, the chances of kicking out all immigrants is less than none and is just senseless thought.

  2. I also agree that Politician shouldn't blame each other but actually do something about this situation. By blaming or making excuses won't do any good to the situation or the economy. US should come up with laws/ rules so that they will benefit too from this situation since they can't kick immigrant out.
