Saturday, October 1, 2011

Alleviation of L.A.’s Job Crisis

In this New York Times article the focus was on the Los Angeles County and its high unemployment rate of 12.5 percent. In the article the author provided the views of two economic experts on ways to deal with this high level of unemployment. Though both of these people differed in their opinions, their aim was clear that it was to help the LA County.

Mr. Beutner backed the invitation of foreign companies such as the Chinese electric car company BYD auto to do business in the county to help increase employment opportunities. To help to get this he advocated taking advantage of the city’s size and complexity. On the other hand Mr. Kotkin opposed this idea by saying that it is the small businesses within the city that should be our area of focus for helping the economy. The idea was that we should instead help promote the expansion of our own small business in the city.

Though their opinions may differ, these both seem like solid ways to go in helping to remedy LA’s ailing employment market.

1 comment:

  1. While Beutner and Kotkin's strategy for solving LA's unemployment rate have little in common, they do both point out the inefficiencies in Los Angeles' bureaucratic and legal systems. Though it is difficult to say if taking a big business or small business approach would help the city more, it is pretty clear that focusing on making LA more business-friendly might be the best first step.
