Saturday, November 20, 2010

Buy American? Upscale investors looking abroad

Apparentley, more and more people are looking to foreign countries in terms of investing. Most of these people wanted to widen their investment portfolio, like many other foreign people who want to invest in all the big markets, like China, Europe and the United States. Moreover, there could be a few reasons for this. The first is because of the financial situation here in the United States. Not only is there a financial crisis, but the economy is taking awhile to recover, which may scare a lot of Americans. Also, a few other reasons are evident as to why Americans are investing in foreign markets. Some of these include: the weak dollar, the unknown future of the stock market, and the budget defecit of the US government. Indications lead to the investment internationally, but are these bad signs in terms of the state of the Economy? What will happen if people continue to invest in other countries.

1 comment:

  1. About investing in China - possibly soon to be problematic is the RMB continues to rise (as the U.S. is pushing for) and if their 'real estate bubble' pops.
