Friday, October 1, 2010

Infrastructure Bank Proposal Would Spur Economic Growth

President Obama has re-introduced a proposal which garnered a lot of support during his campaign however, has been all but forgotten in the recent months. He hopes to enact a sort of infrastructure bank in hopes of boosting investment and employment in the nation.
The idea behind this proposal is Obama's understanding that although there has been a number of tax cuts in hopes of boosting the economy, these haven't been successful due to the fact that we are in a period of "economic crisis" and thus and money saved from taxes on the consumer side will be used to pay off debt instead of re-investment into the economy.
The proposal does face two potential opposition though; the first having to do with whether it could feasibly pass due to mid-term election coming and second, the fact that it could be a huge disaster unless the architecture for this institution is framed just right.

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