Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Car sales: cloudy today, sunny tomorrow

Debate over the future of the car industry continues. According to a JD Power & Associates’ report, car sales are expected to rise in September over August's sales. Another report put out by argues that September sales will be below August's sales. The final numbers for September's sales will be released Oct. 1.

In addition to the short term projections, Morningstar has released its five year projection. They estimate that car sales will rise considerably in 2011, maybe even by 50 percent. Since 2007, people have delayed their car purchases but many won’t be able to delay much longer. This need to replace older cars coupled with an increasing population of licensed drivers is one reason for Morningstar’s projections. So, if you need a car, don’t put it off. Now may be the time to buy.

1 comment:

  1. Your right, the time may be now to buy cars. Since the economy is bad, many people are holding off to buy cars. Families and people figure with money being stiff, they can hold of an automobile and purchase more items that are of more importance. So since the demand is currently low, prices are down. Once the economy though goes back up, more and more people will be willing to by cars, and the price will most likely rise.
