Tuesday, September 28, 2010

America Tops the List for Best MBA Programs

For those of us looking at going into an MBA after OWU, good news - the best programs are right here in the USA. Six out of the top ten in the world, including University of Chicago, Dartmouth, U of C Berkley, and Harvard, are located in America. This means that if America continues to have an edge in education and human capital, we will likely remain towards the top in terms of business and innovation. America's greatest advantage in the global economy right now is that is had superior education. This seems to be particularly true of business, which hopefully will give us the strength and leadership necessary to rebound out of the current recession.


  1. This is definitely one of the most encouraging aspects of America's future human capital. So long as America maintains its position at the top of the educational rankings, we will continually attract the best and brightest students from all around the world. I think that the same applies not only for business schools, but also undergraduate and other graduate schools. Despite the troubles of the recession, we can hopefully count on future generations of well-educated students (like ourselves) to improve the world's prospects for success.

  2. Alternatively, though, high human capital in business may not be what we need. It is arguable that human capital in technology, science, research and development, etc would be far more useful and applicable to economic growth. I would suggest that another strength of American education lies in its liberal arts universities, where students can develop themselves more fully in both science and business, or any other combination of their choosing

  3. Yes this is true. We may have the best business schools, but in math and science America is falling behind. Many other countries focus on math and science much more, and this is where some of the innovations may come from. Also, some bright young people come to this country to get and education, and then head back to their home country. I know many chinese people are returning back to China instead of staying. So when some of the best minds are leaving, it tends to hurts the growth of the economy. However, having some of the top business schools does put us on top in terms of the business world.
