Thursday, September 30, 2010

Small Gifts Sent to Ease U.S. Debt

Right now the U.S. debt is around 14 trillion, which is number 14 followed by twelve zeroes (14,000,000,000,000). Anyone seeing this number for the first time would be overwhelmed, but not the 6th graders of Montgomery elementary school in Alabama. They raised $324.50 last year by selling cookies, all to be donated, when they learned about the national debt. And they are not alone in this noble feat, as last year the U.S. treasury received $3.1 million in donations to ease the current debt.

This 50 year old program might come as a surprising thing to many of us as the government does not advertise the program, and the officials try to avoid the attention. When asked about why the program is little known, the commissioner of bureau said that soliciting donations might "seem straightforward and benign, but could rub the taxpayers the wrong way."

So far since 1961, when the program first started, the U.S. treasury has received $80 million in donations.


  1. This article demonstrates a simple example of the concern that our country shares about the national debt. The national debt is something that we should all be aware of. The small action taken by these kids of an elementary school in Alabama shows the dedication that some might have if they were more aware, which would hopefully result in bigger numbers than just the $3.1 million received by U.S. treasury last year.

  2. I think the commissioner of bureau is correct in saying that promoting this campaign publicly will bring distaste because tax payers are already complaining about high taxes and so by asking for more money will just cause riot.

  3. I think that the government should try to advertise the program a little bit. It shouldn't be overwhelming so people wouldn't view it as another tax, but should rather aim at people's patriotic feelings and make them want to help their country.

  4. I think advertising this program more is a great idea. Letting the people know about the cause will significantly increase donations. Also, aiming the program towards people's patriotic feelings would be sure to help the program. Americans are very patriotic and advertising this program would definitely increase the money raised.
