Sunday, September 5, 2010

Grim Housing Choice: Help Today’s Owners or Future Ones

This article speaks about the difficult choices that policy makers will encounter concerning the housing market in the near future. The choice that they will have to make is to put more into helping the housing market or let the market take care of itself. This is an issue that policy makers have been avoiding and now they may have to start making these crucial decisions. Some economists say that we must help the market and put money into the market and others believe that letting the market work itself out is the best idea. Some even think that they should let the market fall completely, which to me seems like a very risky idea. What if the market doesn't recover like policy think it will. These issues are very crucial because the decisions made now will affect the home owners of today and the future

1 comment:

  1. I feel like if the housing market falls that the economy will also fall back and we will lose all the progress we have made. Throughout history when there has been major recessions they all mainly started with a crash in the housing market, and once the housing market picked back up the economy was better, so I don't think we should allow the housing market to recess.
