Sunday, September 5, 2010

Great Recession was emotional 'Roller Coaster'

This article outlines some of the hardships faced by many Americans during the Great Recession starting in late 2007.

1 comment:

  1. I found this article to be an interesting little summary of some of the things that have occurred throughout the Great Recession. Some of the figures stated were a little surprising to me. The article states that, “The Pew Research report said that only 38 percent of re-employed workers are earning more than they did at their former jobs”. I found it surprising that Reuters thought this figure was low which is evident when they say “only 38 percent”. I think it is surprising because a person getting re-employed generally would settle for a little less just to become employed again and 38 percent here seems like a pretty large percentage who is receiving a salary higher than before. Then the article states, “Even so, nearly 80 percent of re-employed workers say they are satisfied with their current jobs”. Reuters seems surprised that this figure is so high but in my opinion I would expect the figure to be very high given the high unemployment that our economy is experiencing. With such a high unemployment rate, this portion of the labor force that was laid off really should be happy solely for the fact that they were able to find a job again.
