Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stocks headed for gains

According to the news, the stock market is recovering and the overall situation is optimistic; stocks posted modest gains on Thursday as investors still concern about Greece, who officially activated an emergency financial aid package. It is said that, in spite of the financial crisis of Greece, investors remained encouraged by a promising corporate performance.

It is reported that the first-quarter corporate performance is better than expected, with 85% of companies in the S&P 500 beating earnings expectation. For example, after the market closed Thursday, Microsoft posted a higher quarterly profit that exceeds prediction. Also, late Thursday, reported that, earnings jumped 68% compared with that of a year earlier.
Additionally, as for the situation of world markets, the European Share rose solid, while Asian shares closed slightly lower.


  1. Just as Kexuan says, the situation we are currently in is getting better and the stock market is predicting this, with the understanding of what Greece is currently going through. Once unemployment starts decreasing then true optimism will come forth.

  2. It is nice to see the numbers go up, but how likely is it that they will continue to rise? We would love to think that we are on our way out, but it is all dependent on how consumers start spending their money as well as investing.

  3. Consumers spending their money and increased investment will go hand-in-hand with unemployment decreasing. Like Sean said, once we see more people employed hopefully things will look brighter.

  4. The Dow closed at its year high on Friday, however a slew of quarter reports show that another week could be tough. Reports on jobless claims, consumer confidence and GDP will be released this week. Good things only last for a certain time, and then start to go downhill again.
