Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Iceland volcano ash costing U.S. airlines $20 million a day

In this article it explains how the airlines in the US are being affected by the Iceland Volcano explosion. As many of you know, the explosion has grounded thousands of flights all over the world. The major airlines in the US (American Airlines, Continental, US Airways, Delta Airlines) are collectively gathering losses averaging up to $21.9 million dollars a day. The company that is taking the biggest hit is Delta Airlines since they have a large business in Europe. They are losing $6.5 million a day. To add, FedEx and UPS are experiencing delays in their international shipments.
It is said that 63,000 flights have been canceled in Europe as of this past Sunday. If $21.9 million is bad enough, European airlines are losing $200 million a day due to the explosion. This is catastrophic to the airline industry with no estimate to when this will blow over.

1 comment:

  1. It is pretty astonishing that an ash cloud has halted the air space of northern Europe to such an extent that Europeans airlines are losing $200 million a day. The airline industry has already endured substantial financial loses during the recession that crippled the world economy. This natural disaster has only plunged those losses even further down. However, this does provide an ideal situation for European passenger ships to capitalize on stranded travelers by using the many European seaways.
