Saturday, April 24, 2010

The truth about trade

President Barack Obama has taken an initiative inorder to double the export of United States in the next five years. This according to him would increase the empolyment by 2million jobs. He has created an Export Promotion Cabinet that will work to increase America's export inorder to hold some of the share of the emerging economies.

From the very early semester, we know an increase in export itself doesn't indicate that the economy is doing good. But it's is an indication that there is no problem in the economy. Apart from that since this will create 2million of jobs so this will increase consumtion in the economy and thus the GDP.

Hope this artilce helps to find out more about the new initiative that is being taken.

1 comment:

  1. But their is a problem in the economy..many actually but this particular initiative that President Obama is taking hits the unemployment problem with the creation of 2 million jobs.
